Metrics is the final segment of our SEO training course, and so we turn to our non-official course on Google Analytics. Measuring your website might sound dull, and it often is. Nonetheless, there are many new tools on the Web – many of them free – that make it easy to measure the performance of your website over time. Google Analytics is one of the best; this Google Analytics training will teach you the in’s and out of G.A. in an easy, online SEO class format. You can couple these metrics to your SEO strategy to see where you are at the beginning, where you are after SEO, and going forward – use what your learn in this Google Analytics class as feedback to improve your SEO.
- Goals. Every website should have a goal. The Google flow. How do customers get to your website? What do they do once they arrive?
- Concepts. Concepts and vocabulary around SEO metrics. What do you want to measure? What are industry standard measurements?
- Website Structure. Creating a “metric-friendly” website. Making sure that your SEO paths and your PPC paths are different. Conceptualizing how you want people to use your website, and what they are doing once they get there.
- Google Analytics. A basic introduction to Google analytics. Measuring what you can do from the dashboard. Incoming traffic, referring links, top landing pages. Advanced Google analytics. Advanced segments, reports. Setting goals and funnels. Hidden resources for more information on Google Analytics.
- Questions and Answers. Questions from class participants, and answers from Dr. Jason McDonald on search engine optimization and keywords.
Why Our Online, Non-Official Google Analytics Course is Superior to a Face-to-Face Course. Many students come to us looking for a face-to-face SEO class experience, and even an official Google Analytics course. While our course is non-official (for good reason – it teaches you all perspectives, not just that of Google), for groups of three or more, we do provide that service – simply email us for a quote. However, for most people especially in big cities such as Los Angeles, Houston, Chicago or even New York City, an online training experience can be very competitive. Why? Google Analytics is essentially a ‘cloud’ platform, so during the online Google Analytics class you’ll be staring at your computer and the instructor will be staring at his. So an online class is almost the same as a face-to-face New York, NY Google Analytics class. Indeed, our online classes are video recorded, giving you a record to go back to. This is not usually the course in a face-to-face class even in a big city like Chicago or New York, NY.