Welcome to Serious Humor ~ May 1, 2015!
Serious Humor is our monthly round-up of the most important “serious” trends and articles in SEO, Social Media Marketing, and AdWords as well as “humor” that will make you laugh at the next office meeting. You know, the stuff you gotta gotta gotta know AND the stuff you want to share with your coworkers (when the boss isn’t looking). The stuff that will make you look like a Very Important Person at the next corporate meeting. And as for the fun stuff, we identify the funnest, coolest, most bizarre marketing-related humor stories on the Internet. The stuff that will make you be the “cool person” in the office, knowing what’s hip and happening on the Internet: the cool videos, the cool jokes, the funny crazy stuff that relates to Business. Got a suggestion? Send us an email.
Mobilegeddan: Google’s Gone Mobile and We’ve Gone Crazy
On April 21, 2015, Google implemented ‘Mobilegeddan,’ a dreaded update that penalizes non-mobile friendly sites (especially but not only on mobile phone searches). Read my round-up of useful tools and resources at http://t.co/KtUsK7o5hW. AdWords is more important than ever on Mobile Phones. Why? Because the screen is so small. Mobile SEO and the brutality of AdWords. The game is tougher than ever (http://jm-seotips.org/?p=38119).
AdWords: Some Hacks to Make Your GDN Life Easier
The GDN (Google Display Network) can be a real bear. Here are some ‘hacks,’ or at least some ideas for improvement (http://bit.ly/1Gu7kd4). And here are five hidden AdWords columns that help you succeed (or at least know what’s going on). SIS is my favorite at http://selnd.com/1EM4Ear. And here’s my review on Perry Marshall’s Ultimate Guide to AdWords, – read it, get it, learn it @ https://www.jm-seo.org/?p=1805
SEO: Search Engine Optimization
Even the New York Times writes SEO-friendly headlines these days at http://nyti.ms/1D22gI4. And the SEO Fitness Workbook is holding on in the top ten #SEO Bestsellers courtesy of Amazon. Find them all at http://amzn.to/1CKXDBa. Remember the Google Keyword Planner? How could you forget – it’s the tool everyone loves to hate. Here’s a resource list (http://bit.ly/1IWcey7) on how to use it for #AdWords and #SEO.
Local SEO, you know, for massage therapists, pizza restaurants, plumbers and nearly every other small business in America… more important than ever. Especially on the mobile phone. Here are 20 important places to get your site listed for local #SEO at http://tinyurl.com/msm9j82. Yikes, Google may be planning big changes to local (http://bzfd.it/1FBGBwe). And Google’s own promo materials on getting your local biz online at http://bit.ly/1Cr6MTr.
Next up to worry about, exploit, take advantage of: the coming Google / Twitter Partnership. Google is getting access to the Twitter ‘firehose.’ Meaning Twitter will be more important than ever for SEO. Google must be working on a nonsense filter for the algorithm as well – how in the world will they filter out all the #stupidstuff from Twitter? Google and Twitter: phase 2 of the love affair at http://bit.ly/1Cr6MTr. Too much noise on Twitter? New curator (http://bit.ly/1NSFPtT allows humans to cut thru the clutter in their copious spare time. And LinkedIn and Lynda are getting married. A very logical marriage: #LinkedIn and #Lynda @ http://bit.ly/1CqwRyA
Reputation Management & Content Marketing
Everyone Googles everyone. Heck, people even Google people before a first date. Online #reputation management via #SEO. Some great tips at http://mklnd.com/1G8c1ck. Reviews got you down? Bill Tancer will share his new book and info on #reviewmarketing for free at http://bit.ly/1PB1GtI (sponsored by #Yelp) on April 29, 2015. As for Content Marketing – Boring is out. Snappy is in. New York Times is out. BuzzFeed is in. Write better headlines. Write crazier headlines. Write snappy headlines. Learn more at http://bit.ly/19IxIDM.
Serious Humor: Stuff to Make You Laugh
Here is our round-up of seriously fun stuff to share with your friends, or keep to yourself, but be the “cool kid” at the office party or meeting. Remember Microsoft’s “clippy” the paperclip? Well, he’s gone erotic and he’s gone viral on Amazon (http://amzn.to/1cw5hdg). NSFW (Not Suitable for Work). Spoiler: adult-ish humor, but funny marketing at work at http://bit.ly/1Ju4B2W. On April 1st, BuzzFeed shared an up-to-date list of Google Easter Eggs from BuzzFeed. Watch it at https://youtu.be/YXTwUaLUH7s. Hate your boss? Your job? Funny ways to quit at http://bit.ly/1GT1hgt. Email in real life. You GOTTA watch this video (Your boss called, he said yes you can do Internet marketing research right now) at https://youtu.be/HTgYHHKs0Zw.
~ Jason McDonald, Director – JM Internet Group