The goal of social media marketing is to “build your brand” and (ultimately) “sell more stuff.” One way to do this is to engage in online customer conversations. “Hashtags” are essentially the markers of “online conversations.” People who are talking about “organic food” will mark their conversations (on Twitter, Instagram, TikTok – primarily) with hashtags such as #organic or #organicfood or #natural. Continue reading
Tag Archives: Twitter Marketing
Twitterati: Tips, Secrets, and Tools for Technical Success on X (Formerly Twitter)
X (formerly called Twitter) is horrible. X is wonderful. X can be insanely terrible and a huge waste of your marketing efforts. Or, if you know how and you focus on the niches, you can see and find many great opportunities for laser-focused marketing on Twitter. Here are some tips, secrets, and other technical features to make X your marketing go-to. Continue reading
How Do You Find Trending Hashtags on Twitter?
People often ask, ‘How do you find trending hashtags on Twitter?’ Well, there are three parts to this question. First, what’s a hashtag (and how do they work)? Second, how do you identify hashtags that are relevant to your business? And, third, how do you find ‘trending hashtags on Twitter?’ Let’s investigate. Continue reading
How to Find Trending Hashtags on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Maybe Even Facebook
Hashtags, of course, are “topics” around which people talk, post, and share on social media. They began on Twitter, and now exist on nearly every social media network. If, for example, you want to see what people are saying about Tulsa, just go to Twitter (or Instagram) and type in #Tulsa. Or, it can be something that’s abstract, like #Globalwarming or something silly like #Spacealiensongs. If you’re not sure what a hashtag is, check out this article. Continue reading
The DOT on Twitter – Curiouser and Curiouser
Twitter announced on March 24, 2016, (here) that the infamous ‘dot’ rule in front of an ‘@’ sign to broadcast a ‘Tweet to’ everyone who follows you was being thrown away. To use an example, the old rule was if I (@jasoneg3) Tweeted: Continue reading
How to Use the @ Sign on Twitter for Marketing
Twitter is open, very open. In fact, using the “@” sign or “handle” on Twitter you can reach out to anyone who has a Twitter account.
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How to Use Hashtags on Twitter and Instagram for Marketing Purposes
Who invented the #hashtag? Well, it was probably Twitter, but who cares? Hashtags exist on most, if not all, social media networks but especially on Twitter and Instagram.
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Twitter Marketing Workbook for Small Business Marketing Released by JM Internet Group
San Jose, CA -August 27, 2015: The JM Internet Group, a top provider of Social MediaTraining online, is proud to announce the release of their new Twitter Marketing Workbook, which can be found on ( . A complimentary review copy is available for a limited time. Continue reading
Twitter Marketing: How to Market on Twitter
Top 10 Free Twitter Tools for Small Business Marketing
Twitter can be among the most confusing social media platforms for small business. On the one hand, you hear about Twitter constantly: celebrities tweet, sports folks tweet, news media tweet – Twitter is the “goto” place for current, hip and happening news. Continue reading