Noelle and I joke that our SEO Training is filmed in front of a live studio audience, because our SEO training online is taught, live. That’s unusual. Most of the competitive courses that are online are decidedly NOT live. They are video training – in which the instructor recorded the videos, and then they are uploaded to the Internet. We record our SEO trainings at least every six months, and we do so live. This has a number of benefits –
- Because we have a live schedule, we are forced to stay up-to-date with the materials. Many of the online / video courses are quite old and out-of-date. I’m sure that they have fine instructors but like me, I am sure that these instructors get quite busy with their consulting businesses. So the courses drag on and on and get more and more out-of-date. The fact that we publish twice a year forces us to be fresh.
- No one is more brutal than a live studio audience. While our audience isn’t “in the studio,” we do record live via the Gotowebinar software. This keeps us on our toes as we have both a lively question and answer session at the end of each broadcast, and I strongly encourage participants to email in questions. I even speak with many of them one-on-one on the phone. What this means is instant feedback if an issue is not easy-to-understand, and instant feedback if a class is off track or boring. Those classes that are video only do not have this benefit: the instructors are shielded from the instant response of their students. There is nothing to humble an instructor more than the quizzical looks of his students!
- Up-to-date materials. Because we are live, we can respond to the latest and greatest trends, tips, and techniques in SEO. In fact, student questions and live audits of student websites serve to keep both Noelle and me on our toes. It makes our materials not only lively but up-to-date.
- Never boring, always entertaining. To record into a dark video abyss is to miss the human energy of a live audience; to realize that a live human being on the other end is taking precious minutes out of her day, means to realize that to entertain is as important as to educate. Nothing boring here. The fact that we record live means that we realize we must be fun and entertaining. That live interaction keeps us lively, pardon the pun
Best of Both Worlds: Live and Online Training
Then, just like the I Love Lucy show or other television classics, we have a recorded version. The recorded version allows the live students to go back to the materials ad infinitum, and for students to join us “between” live broadcasts and benefit from the video recorded versions. In this way, participants in the JM Internet Group’s SEO trainings have the best of both worlds: live and recorded classes in search engine optimization.