Influencer Marketing, Tribes, and Blab: Old Wine, New Bottles?

Live blogging from Social Media Marketing World. Founder of Blab, Shaun Puri ( presented his philosophy of tribes and influencer marketing plus a huge shout out to Seth Godin’s book, Tribes.


First, Shaun explained the traditional view of influencer marketing: we find a very important person (VIP) and they push this out to their followers, and then these followers raise their hands and say, “Hey, can I find one?” Then, he shared another view: get a bunch of smaller people (early adopters), and then they push it out to their (smaller) group of people. Oh, and by the way, this type of “content marketing” works best with a little sleight of hand: the idea being that the people “being marketed to” don’t know that “they’re being marketed to.” An example of powerful influencer marketing might be ‘Nash Grier’ on Vine, who apparently charges $15,000 a second for endorsements. The problem, he summed up with is that the problem is that everyone has ‘discovered’ influencer marketing, and it doesn’t work any more, or isn’t working any more (as much as it did). Yikes: once everyone has found out about something, then perhaps it doesn’t work as well as it once did, or perhaps it doesn’t work at all.

So, then he gave us some new rules about ‘marketing’ online.


  • Don’t follow the trends.
  • Do things that are trend proof. Influencer Marketing


  • There are no experts.
  • By the time you hear about it, it won’t work anymore.
  • Corollary: or, it will and can change very dramatically – e.g., Snapchat “changed” from sexting tool to the new new thing


To win the game you have to build a tribe. (Seth Godin).

  • Tribes: have a unique voice
  • Tribes: have a philosophy / unique world view (do some people disagree with you?)
  • Leaders & diehards
  • A place to gather (editorial aside – e.g., blab, sounds a lot like a Google hangout).

Better to have 1000 fans who really love you than 1,000,000 people who kinda like you.

The world is getting noisier! This is truer every single day.

Tactics for Success via the New New New New Influencer Marketing or Old Wine, New Bottles

  • Go inside. Bring your ‘tribe’ inside, and converse with them.
  • Amplify the message using your tribe.

Tribes: these are really your personal brand / personal most devoted fans, etc.

CONCLUSION: New apps like slack ( and blab ( “Home” for your tribe.

Oh, and editorial aside: is this just old wine in new bottles?

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About Jason McDonald

Jason McDonald is a top-rated San Francisco SEO Consultant. His consulting services include search engine optimization consulting, social media marketing consulting, and Google AdWords consulting. Jason's motto as a consultant is that he doesn't do SEO 'for you' but rather he does SEO 'with you.' That goes as well for his social media marketing consultant activities and Google AdWords consultant services. Besides serving clients in the San Francisco Bay Area, Jason consults with clients in Silicon Valley (San Jose), Oakland and other cities throughout the Bay Area. Beyond the Bay Area, Jason is available as an SEO consultant, Social Media Consultant, and as an expert witness in litigation involving social media marketing, search engine optimization and pay-per-click advertising.