Twitter can be among the most confusing social media platforms for small business. On the one hand, you hear about Twitter constantly: celebrities tweet, sports folks tweet, news media tweet – Twitter is the “goto” place for current, hip and happening news. But on the other hand, will anyone really tweet about (or care about) your small business massage therapist, divorce attorney, or plumbing company on Twitter? Hardly, sortta. Maybe not so much. But there are opportunities for Twitter small business marketing if you know how to use it, and if you have the right (free) Twitter tools.
Top Ten Free Twitter Tools for Small Business Marketing
- – allows you to search among 22,204,775 Twitter hashtags and quickly find the best ones for your need based on their popularity, relationships, languages, influencers and other metrics. Also useful for SEO link building, and keyword discovery.
- Buzzsumo -Buzzsumo is a ‘buzz’ monitoring tool for social media. Inputs a website (domain) and/or a topic and find what people are sharing across Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and other social media. Great for link-building (because what people share is what they link to), and also for social media.
- Advanced Search on Twitter – Before, during, after you use Twitter – search to see what others are saying similarly to you and your organization’s interests. Here’s a nifty trick. Use ‘near this place,’ and you can find people in a city near you, tweeting on a topic like ‘pizza.’ Great for local brands.
- Topsy – Real-time search engine of Twitter. You can also search the Web and Videos. VERY important – you can use this to input a URL – say, or – and see how frequently that URL and its sub URL’s have been tweeted. So a great way to see your social shares as well as to discover what’s trending on the blogosphere for better blogging.
- HootSuite – Multiple Accounts Save your time and save your sanity. Continue managing all of your Twitter profiles through one client: HootSuite! Team Workflow Team Workflow Have a company or organization with more than one contributor? HootSuite is still making it easy to manage multiple users over various Twitter accounts. Track Statistics Track Statistics Impress your friends, your boss or just yourself with our improved visualizations link…
- WeFollow – Another service to identify top Twitterers, who has the most followers, and to identify hashtags that are popular. Use this service to identify, by keywords, important influencers in your industry. Then influence the influencers!
- Twitaholic – Top 100 Twitterholics based on Followers. Use this to find top Twitters – sort of a top 100 for the Twitterdom. Also just a great way to find out who’s really famous on Twitter. Katy Perry, anyone?
- – Input words that matter to you, and Hashtags looks to see the trends on Twitter.
- – Think of us as the whitepages for twitter. Search for twitter accounts based on names, locations and keywords. Useful to take a hashtag and drill into who are the ‘influencers’ in that hashtag.
- Twitalyzer – An attempt at making Twitter easy to monitor. Input your Twitter handle (@jmgrp for example) and analyze how influential you are. Or input that of a competitor and do some reverse-engineering.
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