Coronavirus is spreading through our societies as an “idea,” as a “panic.” The disruption it’s inflicting on all of us is an “idea” — things like — don’t fly in airplanes, don’t get into cruise ships. Buy masks, toilet paper, stop going to restaurants, etc. Social distancing, self-isolation, flattening the curve… These are “ideas,” and they are spreading faster than the virus itself. Are we underreacting? Overreacting? What can we do? #Confusion #Coronavirus… Watch our “Brainstorming Video” to help you think through the Coronavirus as a marketer, and then access the free resources to put pen to paper!
Note –
- We’re giving away THE MARKETING BOOK for free during the Pandemic. It’s a great, foundational read that will help you brainstorm your marketing strategy.
Video: Marketing Post Coronavirus
Watch Marketing in a Post Coronavirus World on YouTube!
Free Resources
- Full transcript / article based on the Video at Medium, here.
- More resources on marketing post-Coronavirus at Medium, here.
- Free copy of THE MARKETING BOOK, here.