Google’s KeyWord Planner is a foundational tool for both AdWords and SEO. We have the most popular video on how to use the Keyword Planner, but in the spirit of universal education, here’s a list of key resources that explain the Keyword Planner.
Videos on Keyword Planner
In addition to our own video on Keyword Planner, here are some of our favorites –
- How to Use Keyword Planner – Google’s “official” video on how to use, tilted (of course) towards AdWords. It has that optimistic, happy “Stepford Wives” tone to it, and doesn’t touch on any of the problems
(e.g., no phrase match).
- How to Use the Keyword Planner for SEO by Sara Young.
- The Google Keyword Planner Tutorial. Lisa Irby is one of my favorite YouTubers on SEO and AdWords, and here’s here original tutorial.
- Google Keyword Planner for Beginners. Sean Rasmussen’s share’s this very basic introduction to the Keyword Planner, starting with how to input a website and use Google as a keyword-generator.
Help Files and Blog Posts on Keyword Planner
- Keyword Planner. This is a built-in search for “Keyword Planner” on Google’s support site. You can use it to find the latest (and greatest) official help articles.
- Using Keyword Planer to get keyword ideas and traffic forecasts. This is AdWords official article on the tool.
- How to Use the Keyword Planner – Search Engine Land’s article from May, 2013, when the tool was brand-spanking new.
- How to Use Google Keyword Planner to Find New SEO Keywords. We’re big fans of as a rank-checking tool, and here’s a blog post by them on how to use the tool.
- 9 Awesome Additions to Google’s Keyword Planner. An April, 2014, update by Kim Clinkunbromer on Keyword Planner.
Remember – you can use the Keyword Planner for both SEO and for AdWords; but you must have an AdWords account to use it, and you must use a credit card. Google wants you to sign up, and use, AdWords… but you can just sign up, and never actually advertise. The tool has many flaws, but it is the “source” of all data on keywords by Google so to be good at AdWords and/or SEO you gotta gotta gotta know how to use it. Have fun!